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Anonymous 09/06/2023 (Wed) 23:00:42 Id:d6f9fb No. 333
Its a masterpiece.
i thought it was ok. i liked this one more, though, the music is cool ^_^
>>334 I only played sonic adventure 2 battle. Could never complete it as some parts were just so broken that it was unplayable. Had some good moments though. Is the first one better?
>>335 if you didn't like 2, you probably won't like 1 at all, 1 came first so it's nowhere near as streamlined, it's a bit more rough around the edges, and doesn't have any of the improvements that 2 had.
>>333 >Its a masterpiece. Its a bit too easy imo. Even as a kid it was no challenge at all. But I feel like the controls and gameplay peaked here and were actually worse in later titles.
>>334 my man, shitty port but i modded the hell out of my pc version to make it look like the dreamcast, still one of my all time favs
>>343 they're the same game... the graphical changes are so minor, i don't really care about how it looks...
>>344 autism i suppose
>>346 The symbolism is there in the game, indeed (although some of the stuff is a stretch), but the reason is not to make masonic propaganda, but just because the Japanese like putting various religious/occult/esoteric elements in their works to make them more interesting. You should know this if you watch/read some anime/manga.
>>348 yeah Sonic R had christian symbolism
>>349 lol is this real?
>>336 The treasure hunting stages are arguably superior in 1 over 2. I haven't met anyone that likes 2's "one emerald shard at a time" approach. That's one advantage I can think of, even if it's not something I make a big deal about. Other people do, though, so I'm bringing it up. 2 definitely succeeds in its presentation and I think the motion capture cutscenes are better than 1's use of predetermined animations that sometimes jarringly cut into each other, making for an awkward display of the characters ocassionally spazzing out when transitioning to different animations.
>>438 interestingly, there's this one review where the reviewer guy actually prefers the radar in 2 https://youtu.be/5Ii63QA_lBQ?feature=shared&t=595 personally i don't really have a preference, i think both games are fine and i'm a dark age enjoyer so i'm not super picky when it comes to what is and isn't "broken" but if the other guy thought sa2 was too broken then he probably won't like any version of sa1
>>440 what the hell, it didn't start at the timestamp he starts talking about it at 9:56
>>337 I don't know... the controls made it hard for me when I was younger It just felt super slippery
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>>333 still baffles me how nintendo got 3d mario movement just right with this one, sunshine and odyssey feel like downgrades honestly
>>563 Odyssey's controls felt tighter for me

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