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05/21/24 Happy birthday hikari3! (News post)
12/21/23 Recent news post: Check here. Also, new board added: /i/ - Oekaki.
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Anonymous 05/26/2024 (Sun) 08:29:45 No. 5131 [Reply]
What time do you usually sleep? I typically sleep around 5-7 AM. I feel like I'm more productive past midnight
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>>5138 Wouldn't that dry out your eyes? I have to put in eye drops before I sleep because if they feel dry I can't sleep.
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On weekdays I have to wake up at around 8 AM, so I usually try to go to bed between 12 ~ 1.30 AM. There were times when I had bad habits and could be at the computer up to 4 AM, though. It takes me some time to fall asleep but most of the time it's within 1 hour. I also often consume coffee or energy drinks in the morning, but back when I consistently went late to bed I had to drink energy drinks every day. Any lack of sleep is "compensated" so to speak, though. More long term, on weekends I get out of bed kind of late, around 11 AM, but sometimes it may be as late as 1 PM. And more short term, if I don't sleep a lot in the previous few nights, I start having naps in the afternoon. >>5131 What? You're just killing yourself by sleeping 2 hours. Unless you mean that you GO TO sleep at around 5-7 AM (and wake up several hours later). Though when my brother was 12 he sometimes would do all-nighters when the parents weren't at home, up to 2 consecutive nights. That's pretty bad, but I guess he was a bit crazy (well, all kids around that age are).
>>5140 >You're just killing yourself by sleeping 2 hours. Oops, I meant that's the time range I start sleeping at... should've been more clear. My apologies I wake up around 12-3 PM
>>5131 Same, usually 5-6am but sometimes 8am depending on work. My therapist said its because when its that late its the only time I feel in control of my life so I want to stay up longer to have that feeling.
>>5131 anywhere from 6PM to 6PM of the day after.

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Anonymous 05/20/2024 (Mon) 17:41:34 No. 5086 [Reply]
i want to make a new thread but i don't know what to say
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>>5086 You've come to open a new discussion, with no discussion. To speak, with nothing to speak of. But there was some desire to do something, an attempt to reconcile a motive. Is a new thread to talk in really what you want? What is it really that's itching you? This isn't something to be scorned though, one way or the other. We all have that will to peruse an absent objective. Our own threads we don't know what to do with.
>>5086 Say whatever's on your mind
We can talk about the girl in op pic looking at yaoi
>>5116 if your her friend and you catch her watching yaoi porn, what do you do
>>5137 I don't know, I can't imagine having a female friend unless she was a love interest (or I was g*y myself).

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Anonymous 05/21/2024 (Tue) 02:05:37 No. 5092 [Reply]
HAPPY BIRTHDAY HIKARI3 I always wondered if Hikari-chan was supposed to be a being of light. Well, if she wasn't, she is now, poor candle can't even compete.
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>>5092 It doenst stick lol
>>5104 And I was here >>5103
>>5118 CUTE

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Anonymous 05/24/2024 (Fri) 15:58:30 No. 5123 [Reply]
i wish you a good friday night and good end of the week
sex with neco arc.

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Anonymous 05/12/2024 (Sun) 21:33:51 No. 5000 [Reply]
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Good girl
World is mine

Anonymous 05/11/2024 (Sat) 18:06:43 No. 4969 [Reply]
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>>5063 A total RB npc response
>>5042 i just want to download cute girl images and read blogposts man
>>5063 I'll sex u but only if u post ass and face, if both are cute you get sexed
>>5075 O-Ok, here.
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Anonymous 05/11/2024 (Sat) 23:44:53 No. 4979 [Reply]
Have my fri/en/ds been listening to any good music lately
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Here's it, music thread. And do you know what? I CANNOT BUMP IT BECAUSE SYRNO IS BULLYING ME
>>6513 waow. we do already have a music thread indeed. in that case, i give you this song next! https://youtu.be/MgNCjYXCxOc?si=f8haaUd-PtE8U-Fk it's not exactly a niche song with 5 million views but still good nonetheless. i enjoy Azari's work a lot.
>>6514 >i give you this song next thank you my tastes are very specific and even if i drop something with a lot of views it's not going to be quite enjoyable most likely.
>>6515 it's about what you wanna share not what others wanna listen to hikarin
>>6516 Yes but by this time my embarrassment has reached clearly schizophrenic level so "just sharing" this stuff with others is complicated and I would hate if somebody tried to coerce me

Anonymous 04/27/2024 (Sat) 21:41:44 No. 4870 [Reply]
Do you own a gun?
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>>4870 If only the country I lived in didn't have such pussy laws about weapons ownership (can't even carry a knife around in public let alone own a gun or a sword)
>>4870 No, because I'm not an Americabro. My country is also fairly safe so I wouldn't have much need for one anyway... I wouldn't own one just because they're "cool" or for hobby reasons, I think that they are quite scary. >>4876 Would you consider legitimate self-defense to go against "pacifism"? I think that that would be quite dumb.
>>4962 No, I wouldn't, If I am being attacked obvivously I would need to defend myself.
>>4978 Then "No, I'm a pacifist." as a reply to "Do you own a gun?" is strange since it implies that the main usage of guns for non-criminals (self defense) is anti-pacifist.
>>4985 not him but I imagine that if you live somewhere where you know you are most probably never going to be attacked or even threatened with a gun, there would be no reason to get one I know some people do shooting sports but it is still a machine made for violence, so I can see how a pacifist would find even that kind of tasteless

Anonymous 05/07/2024 (Tue) 14:13:05 No. 4924 [Reply]
What happened? Why did the site briefly die?
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>>4934 Sex is not a goal, it's supposed to be a device in a loving relationship, promiscuous bro.
>>4959 but, but sex appeared way before relationships and reproduction appeared way before sex, where's logic? All those not really that well connected to each other.
>>4964 I reject the idea that we should use animals or our supposed long-gone ancestors as reference for anything, and should rather follow ideals to achieve something greater as humanity. Though admittedly, not many think like this, so I am limited to my own actions and to imageboard posts. Maybe I should become a world dictator, though where does one even begin with that?
>>4965 What is a "world dictator"? R u a starwars fanbyo?
>>4966 >What is a "world dictator"? A dictator... at a worldwide level. In other words, someone who rules over the world. >R u a starwars fanbyo? No, why?

Anonymous 04/29/2024 (Mon) 18:42:53 No. 4882 [Reply]
how long do you think you will live for?
>>4882 at least until i can play persona 6. i refuse to die before then
probabli til 50 i don't want to be a 70 year old fart that just rots in a one bedroom apartment and takes up space in public transit
>>4901 So you want to die early for the sake of other people ?
>>4882 With what direction the world might take, I don't know. Like WW3 or whatever (just an example, I don't particularly believe that it is going to happen soon or anything). But assuming that the world will somehow be stable... maybe to the lower end of the average lifespan. I don't lead a particularly healthy lifestyle but I don't do super destructive things like alcohol or drugs. Although it's a bit of a scary thing to think about, it's not impossible that I might eventually kill myself when I reach 40 or 50 years or whatever, if I lead a lonely life.







